Wednesday, May 23, 2012

GPA: Savannah Ports Poultry Exports Exceed Record Breaking Numbers

Georgia Ports Authority: Savannah Ports

GPA Poultry Exports Break Record Numbers in 2012 | Poultry Prices and Demand Are Up Newsletter written By David Moore.
Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2012

Savannah, GAThe Port of Savannah and the poultry industry share good news. Exports of poultry set a record for the first quarter of 2012, which is a complete turnaround coming out of 2011; the worst year they have ever experienced, according to Mike Giles, President of the Georgia Poultry Federation, as stated in an article written by Ellen Reinhardt. (1)  

The Port of Savannah is the largest exporter of poultry in the nation according to Curtis Foltz, Executive Director of the Georgia Ports Authority.  Foltz will be joining a group led by Georgia Governor Nathan Deal and other high-level state delegates to three cities in Turkey, from May 25th through June 2nd.  The purpose of their trip is to meet with government and business leaders to discuss and promote opportunities for business and trade, according to Michael Wheeler of the Gainesville Times. (2)

This trip to the country of more than 72 million, is very important for the Georgia Ports Authority. Georgia exported $609 million worth of goods to Turkey in 2011 alone.  The Governor’s office reports that the state’s top exports to Turkey more than doubled in the first quarter of this year compared to the same time period in 2011.

1.Reinhardt, Ellen. “Poultry Exports Set Record” Georgia Public Broadcasting, May 15, 2012
2. Wheeler, Michael. “Agribiz: Gov. Deal, Ga. Leaders Plan Trade Summit In Turkey” Gainesville Times, May 9, 2012