Monday, February 20, 2012

Savannah Port Deepening Benefiting Industrial Growth in Athens Georgia while Pulling the Political Ears of Many Law Makers

 Savannah, GA -- It is no secret that the Ports deepening in Savannah, GA is a major competitive advantage for those companies located in Savannah that are depending on the ports operations for the success of their business. The ports deepening is already having the domino affect benefiting more than just the city of Savannah and its industrial growth. Caterpillar Factory announced it has now chosen the state of Georgia over North Carolina to place their new facility at a location four hours from GA ports in the City of Athens. This new $200 million factory development will bring over 4, 200 jobs once it is all said in done according to Mary Bell, VP of Caterpillar. 

However, not all law makers are enjoying the raft that comes with this new development. This decision has law makers singing the political blues while Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman adds fuel to the Transportation battle. According to, Doug Oberhelman stated,"That Transportation Investment Act is critical in making Georgia competitive. We'll work for it, from all of our employees' perspective here in Georgia to help get that passed here this summer." This very comment has some political figures biting at the nips, scared as to what the future may hold. According to Patti Pratt wrote to activist Dr. Bill Hudson "I just heard on the radio a snippet from the announcement about Caterpillar, this will make our job of killing it much harder." ... Click for More Insight

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