Tuesday, April 10, 2012

FDA Commissioner and U.S. Congressman Visit Savannah Ports

Georgia Port Authority: Savannah Ports

FDA Commissioner states we Need More Inspectors for the Port of Savannah

Image Hotels Savannah Newsletter By Kristen Cole, eCommerce Marketing Director
Dates: Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Savannah, Ga. - U.S. Congressman Jack Kingston and FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg met in Savannah, GA to tour the Ports of Savannah. Currently, the port of Savannah is the fourth busiest container port in the country and has an estimated 40% of American poultry exports run through it terminals, according to GPA executive Director Curtis Foltz. Foltz recognizes the importance of GPA and FDA working together. Foltz stated,"The Georgia Ports Authority is working with our federal partners at the Food and Drug Administration to ensure the security and efficiency of the supply chain, in order to provide better service for our customers and safe food for the American public."

"One of the core missions of the FDA is to ensure that the food on our dinner tables and in our school cafeterias is safe to eat," Congressman Kingston stated "That effort includes keeping a watchful eye over the food imports that enter our country through our ports."

With FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg responsibility to make certain proper precautions are taken to ensure all food is properly handled in route to its final destination she recognizes that globalization has multiplied the scale of the FDA's responsibility. Dr Hamburg goal is to assure the ports properly abide by FDA rules and regulations especially larger ports such as Savannah. Dr Hamburg stated, "This year, we expect that nearly 20 million shipments of food, devices, drugs and cosmetics will arrive at U.S. ports of entry." According to Dr Hamburg, "Just a decade ago, that number was closer to 6 million, and a decade before only a fraction of that."

Source: DredgingToday.com